About Personal Chef Marina Staver

Hi, my name is Marina Staver. I'm from Minsk, Belarus.
I'm a Private Chef with 19+ years of experience working for elite families and high-profile clients.

I'm an expert in the field of:
• Healthy food
• Plant based cooking
• Gluten-free and dairy-free cooking
• Vegetarian cuisine
• Vegan cuisine
• Juicy meat and fish
• Seafood
• Making dinners, lunches and snacks. Home and theme parties. Creative salads, sauces and soups. Flavorful plant-based dishes and fish/seafood. High experience in how to choose proper ingredients.

My mission is to elevate the world through the art and culture of food. To not only nourish, but to educate and inspire a love for delicious and visually stunning meals. My goal is to break free from the constraints of fast food and to empower individuals to discover the true joy and pleasure of dining.

In addition to that, I am a Gastro journalist, I run a column in Belavia OnAir magazine.
When I travel around the world, I learn recipes from local people, taste national dishes, visit interesting places, restaurants, always try to get to the kitchen, look at the process, communicate with the chefs and cook a traditional dish together. I make movies about it on my YouTube channel.

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